Title :50 Keto Recipes For Carb Lovers
Author : Francesca Oyeleke

The Indispensable Keto Diet Cookbook for Carb Lovers!

Have you heard a lot about the ketogenic “low-carb” diet for some time and are wondering if this diet could help you reach your health goals? This ketogenic cookbook presents you with: How to position yourself on the subject of a ketogenic diet to reach your health goals, delicious keto recipes to help satisfy your thirst for carbs, and quick and easy meals to keep you moving.
In this keto cookbook you will find 50 recipes in the following categories:
•Tantalizing breakfast and brunch meals
•Starters and appetizers to snack on
•Tasty chicken, veal, sausage, shrimp, and beef recipes for lunch and dinner
•Vegan and vegetarian recipes
•Delicious dessert recipes for your sweet tooth
This keto diet cookbook is great for any occasion and any budget!