Title: Amrita by
Author: Nancy A. Cavanaugh
Price: FREE
Rating: 5.0 out of 5.0 stars(2)

Amrita Yavad is a 16 year old girl from India. She has moved to the U.S. with Arjun, her 28 year old husband. They live with his very traditional parents in a three bedroom house. Arjun is a computer programmer at the company where his father also works part-time as a management consultant.

Amrita was unable to finish school in India because of her marriage so, according to local laws, she has to go to high school until she graduates or turns 18. It isn’t the ideal situation for the traditional family but they have no choice. A condition of her attending is that her marriage be kept a secret. A few weeks after they arrive, Amrita has her first day at Garfield High School where she meets Tom Flanders, the star quarterback.

They quickly become friends and Tom sees Amrita, a math whiz, as a solution to his problem with failing his math class. Nikki Adams, Tom’s girlfriend, dislikes Amrita from the beginning and is always looking for ways to drive a wedge between Amrita and Tom.