Title :Blossoming of Love: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 2)
Author : Joy Elaine

Boy fairies are created in the fairy gardens. Four million dragons are restored to a dimension of Earth. Move to a seat at the Joy Council and join famous figures from Earth’s History—King Arthur and his knights, Lincoln, JFK, Cleopatra, Antony and Caesar—as they support the vision for our evolving world.
Author  Profile: Joy Elaine

Other books by Author:

Path of Sweetness: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 1)

Grab this shooting star and ride it into the greatest adventure of your life! Enjoy your front row seat as you take in information about the future of Earth shared by an Ashtar Commander, Isis, Osiris, Thoth, Gaia and many others who are overseeing Earth’s evolution. Meet a fairy and a blue genie from Andromeda. Energetically hop aboard an Ashtar Command spaceship and add your hopes and dreams to the elevating transmissions sent to Earth. Path of Sweetness hands you your own crystal ball to see the future of Earth’s evolution, and the paths leading to the destiny of your dreams.