Title: Blue Rose In Chelsea
Author: Adriana Devoy
Price: FREE till Aug 11, 2013
Rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 stars(12)

Haley Barrett senses that her life is about to forever change when she spies a blue rose in a Chelsea gateway.

She drops out of Princeton, heeding an intuition that there is something she must find before it is too late, and takes a job as a nanny for an Upper West Side family. In a blues club one night, she falls for the charismatic Evan Candelier, an actor whose star is rising. Evan’s façade of perfection begins to crack when he meets Haley, yet he keeps her at a mystifying distance.

Haley’s dashing rock musician brother conspires to keep them apart and return Haley to the Ivy League. Haley finds a “fairy godmother” in the irrepressible Sinclair Wellington, a costumer and Scottish count. Sinclair sews for Haley an enchanted velvet coat, entangles her in elegant misadventures to win Evan, all the while insisting that in matters of love, nothing is impossible. Until, one snowy day, Sinclair’s lost love from decades past reappears to upend his world.