Title :Independent Wealth: How to Start an Online Business in 5 Steps
Author : Joe France

You may be wondering, “How do I start my own business?” or “how to work from home in 2020?” It’s so hard to know where to start. Many ideas for how to make money online are part-time “gigs” or “side hustles.” How do you start a business that replaces your full-time salary?

In this book, the author shows how to start an online business step by step, using his own hard-earned experience and other success stories. You will learn how blogging, podcasting, e-commerce, and digital publishing can generate passive income and create an independent online business. His business plan blueprint reveals how you can self-fund and start doing what you most want to do now. This heartfelt book is full of practical advice and solutions that anyone could use as a guide to starting their own online business today.