Title: Mickey Slips (Tyler Cunningham Shorts)
Author: Jamie Sheffield
Price: FREE from Apr 15 – 16, 2013
Rating: 4.5 out of 5.0 stars(2)
Fans of Carl Hiassen, Lawrence Block, and John Sandford will enjoy Tyler Cunningham’s latest adventure for the tight writing, clever (MacGyver-esque) approach to problem-solving, and for another chance to explore the mind of this unique protagonist, first introduced in Jamie Sheffield’s novel, “Here Be Monsters”.
Tyler Cunningham is a detective like no other. He can mimic humanity, but in most cases fails utterly to understand people, why they do the things they do, or act in the ways that they do. His saving grace is an insatiable hunger for knowledge that combines with an ability to make connections from a series of seemingly unrelated data-points that other people miss; this continually pulls him into other peoples’ problems, where his focus and unique perceptual abilities allow him to solve puzzles that others cannot see in ways that nobody else could conceive.