Overcoming Autoimmune
Title :Overcoming Autoimmune Author : Tirzah Hawkins |
“Your blood work came back normal.”
“We can’t find anything wrong with you.” “It’s all in your head.” Does any of that sound familiar? These are the painful words the people I work with hear from the specialists they go to for help. As you will learn in this series, blood work is a poor indicator of an impending problem.The typical tests only show when something has been going on for quite some time: when the damage has been done. Many of my clients have not only seen multiple specialists, but they’ve also worked with naturopaths for several years without a resolution of their symptoms. I want you to know that I believe you. It’s not all in your head. Your body hurts and you don’t understand why. Your immune system seems to have turned on you. There is a reason for all of this. I’ve written these books so you can see in bite-sized increments where the problem started and how you can help your body reverse it. Each book is meant to give you a small amount of easily digestible information. And each book builds on the previous ones to help you see more clearly what your body needs in order for you to be healthy. My goal is to empower you, to help you become a victor, not a victim. When you begin to understand how the body works, you can see that the path to health is obvious. These books are the same process that I used to overcome my anxiety, depression, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue. It’s the same process I use with every single client that I work with. There are stages in the journey where you can customize things for yourself. And I’ll do my best to explain enough so that you can make an educated decision. In Book One, you’ll hear the amazing story of my client Rebekah and all the crazy health conditions she has overcome. In Book Two you’ll hear my incredible story from despair to health. In Book Three, you’ll meet Annalyse who had more than half a dozen specialists tell her there was nothing wrong with her even though she was suffering from excruciating pain and horrible depression as a young teenager. I hope these stories inspire you to know what is truly possible for you when you commit to yourself. Remember that learning and knowledge is only part of the journey. You must apply what you have learned in order to see results. The journey is filled with hills and valleys. Sometimes you’ll think you’re getting nowhere, and sometimes you’ll have days when you’ve felt better than you’ve ever felt. This will require persistence and perseverance. But as you’ll learn from the real-life people in these pages, it’s definitely worth it. I want you to know that I’m cheering for you, and look forward to hearing your story. I hope you’ll join me in my Facebook group where I desire to answer your questions and provide you with support. You may also want to check out my podcast, which you can find on any major podcast sites, or watch the videos of them on Facebook or YouTube. Season 2 begins with a study of this book. I’ll talk through each of the chapters and why they are important. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. -Lao Tze Inside this book, you’ll find the answers to these questions and more:
This book is step one. Are you ready? Let’s get started. |
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