Title: The Complete 2012 User’s Guide to the Amazing Amazon Kindle: Covers All Current Kindles Including the Kindle Fire, Kindle Touch, Kindle Keyboard, and Kindle (Revised April 2012)
Author: Stephen Windwalker (Windwalker Media)
Price: FREE
Rating: 4.2 out of 5 stars (12)
Updated April 2012: Compatible with the following Kindle firmware updates: Kindle Fire 6.3, Kindle Touch 5.1.0, Kindle basic 4.0.1, Kindle Keyboard 3.3 and Kindle DX 2.5.8.

Finally, one user-friendly guide that covers every Kindle now on the market for 2012, including the Kindle Fire, in a single comprehensive volume chock full of tips, tricks, and links to unlock cool features, save you hundreds on Kindle content, and help you get the most out of your Kindle. Stephen Windwalker founded…