Title :The God Your Parents Totally Missed
Author : Dr. D. Michael Hentrich

There is no other book like this one. We will take 13 of the most widely-held beliefs about God and dissect them, one-by-one, revealing how much Biblical basis there really is for them, or not. You will be stunned by what is uncovered. You will find that our parents and grandparents turned the Bible into a seemingly mysterious book. Some doctrinal perspectives blinded believers from seeing what was really there. The forest disappeared in the trees. The most tragic consequence of all was that we painted God with an irrational and conflicted persona, the Bible appeared to be inconsistent, and Jesus looked surreal.

The God Your Parents Totally Missed hits the most prominent of these areas and issues head-on. No punches are pulled. Doctrine is not permitted to interpret the Biblical text. We do not shy away from the ‘untouchable’ topics. We forge a path through the Bible like a machete-wielding pioneer. No question is off-limits. No area is too sacred to leave unquestioned. However, consistent and undeniable truth is valued and respected. This sets the stage for a boat-rocking experience.

If you cherish your grandma’s child-like perspectives of simple faith, then this book may upset you. However, if you are a critically-minded truth-seeker, willing to put all past concepts to the test, then you will feast on this short book. As you will see, an entirely different, new and refreshing image of the real living God will emerge; one your parents and grandparents totally missed.